
PRP vs. Other Hair Loss Treatments: Comparing Options for Effective Results

Hair loss is an issue that affects millions of people, both men and women, often leading to a search for effective treatment options. While solutions like medications and topical applications have long been the go-to choices, advancements in medical technology are providing new avenues for addressing hair loss.

At Columbia Laser Skin Center in The Dalles, OR, we specialize in an array of cosmetic treatments, including innovative options for treating hair loss. One option that has garnered attention for its effectiveness is PRP hair treatment, which poses a unique alternative to traditional hair loss treatments.

What Is PRP?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a component of your own blood that is rich in growth factors and proteins. In medical settings, it’s often used to accelerate the healing process. PRP uses your body’s own natural resources, minimizing the risk of allergic reactions or other adverse effects. Platelet-rich plasma hair treatments use these principles to restore health to hair follicles and improve overall hair quality. 

How Does PRP Work for Hair Loss?

PRP therapy for hair stimulates the hair follicles that have stopped producing thick, healthy hair. A small sample of your blood is drawn and processed to separate the platelet-rich plasma. This PRP is then injected into the scalp, targeting the areas of hair loss. The growth factors in the PRP jump-start the dormant or struggling hair follicles, encouraging them to enter an active growth phase. The goal is to promote thicker, fuller hair over time, all while using the body’s own biological mechanisms.

What Are the Benefits of PRP for Hair Loss?

Derived From Natural Sources

Hair loss treatment using PRP relies on the platelets in your own blood, making it a biocompatible option free from synthetic chemicals or medications. This minimizes the risk of allergic reactions and side effects.


With PRP hair treatment, you won’t have surgical procedures or extensive downtime. The treatment involves simple injections into the scalp, making it a less invasive option compared to surgical methods like hair transplants.

Convenient Treatments

Scheduling and undergoing PRP therapy for hair is a straightforward process. Sessions are relatively quick, usually taking about 30 to 60 minutes, allowing you to fit treatments into your week without much disruption.

Improves Follicle Health

Platelet-rich plasma hair treatments are not just a bandage solution. They can improve your overall follicle and scalp health over a series of several treatments.  

Can Work Alongside Other Treatments

The versatility of PRP for hair loss allows it to be used in conjunction with other hair loss treatments, allowing for a more customized process that is based on patient individualities and goals. 

Other Hair Loss Treatment Options

Nutrafol Hair Supplements

Nutrafol is a different kind of treatment for thinning hair that focuses on the root causes of hair loss, such as hormonal imbalances and oxidative stress. These supplements are designed to balance stress hormones, improve the body’s response to inflammation, and provide essential nutrients that are key to maintaining healthy hair. The aim is to create an optimal environment for hair growth from the inside out.

Hydrafacial Keravive

Hydrafacial Keravive offers another approach to improving scalp and hair health that can often be used alongside PRP hair treatments. This treatment cleanses, exfoliates, and hydrates the scalp, creating a better foundation for hair growth. It’s an external treatment that focuses on scalp health as a way to improve the quality and density of your hair.

How PRP Treatments Compare to Traditional Hair Loss Treatments

Surgical Methods

Surgical methods such as hair transplants are well-established treatments for hair loss. However, they come with some drawbacks including the need for anesthesia, a longer recovery period, and potential scarring. In contrast, a PRP injection for hair loss is non-invasive and generally requires minimal downtime, allowing you to get back to your daily activities sooner.

Oral and Topical Medications

Oral and topical medications are often the first line of treatment for thinning hair. While they can be effective, these treatments usually require ongoing use to maintain results and may come with side effects such as scalp irritation or hormonal imbalances. PRP hair treatment offers a different angle by using your body’s own platelet-rich plasma. Plus, with PRP treatments, you won’t have to worry about remembering a daily routine. You will only have to come into the clinic every few weeks for treatment.

What to Expect From PRP Treatments for Hair Loss

Harvesting the PRP

The first step in this hair loss treatment is to harvest the platelet-rich plasma from your own blood. The vial of blood is usually drawn from your arm and then processed in a centrifuge to separate the plasma rich in platelets from the other blood components.

Injecting the PRP

Once the PRP is ready, it’s time for the PRP injection for hair loss. Using a fine needle, the PRP is injected into specific areas of your scalp where hair loss is most prominent.

Recovery and Results

After the treatment, you may experience some redness or soreness in the treated areas, but these typically subside quickly. As for results, improvement in hair density is generally noticed over the course of several months. PRP for hair loss often requires multiple sessions for optimal results and ongoing maintenance treatments may be recommended.

Improve Your Hair Health With PRP Treatments

If you’re looking for an advanced approach to tackling hair loss, PRP hair treatment may be a suitable option for you. At Columbia Laser Skin Center, we’re committed to providing innovative treatments to our patients in The Dalles, OR. For more information or to schedule a consultation, feel free to contact us at (541) 298-5066 or fill out our online form.

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