Coolsculpting in The Dalles, OR

Welcome to Columbia Laser Skin Center, where cutting-edge technology meets personalized care in the realm of body sculpting. Are you ready to redefine your body’s contours and say goodbye to stubborn fat? Discover the power of CoolSculpting – a revolutionary, non-invasive fat reduction treatment that’s reshaping bodies and boosting confidence worldwide.

At Columbia Laser Skin Center, we’re committed to bringing you the latest and most effective aesthetic solutions. CoolSculpting is our premier choice for those seeking a safe, FDA-cleared alternative to traditional fat reduction methods like liposuction. Perfect for targeting those tricky areas that diet and exercise can’t seem to tackle, CoolSculpting uses advanced cryolipolysis technology to freeze and eliminate fat cells, delivering noticeable and long-lasting results.

Whether you’re looking to refine your silhouette, tackle love handles, smooth out your abdomen, or sculpt your thighs, CoolSculpting at Columbia Laser Skin Center is tailored to meet your individual needs. Our expert team, led by seasoned professionals in aesthetic medicine, ensures a comfortable, relaxing experience that’s as rewarding as the results.

Join us on a transformative journey where innovative technology meets your personal aesthetic goals. Read on to explore how CoolSculpting at Columbia Laser Skin Center can help you achieve the body confidence you’ve always desired.

What is CoolSculpting?

So, what exactly is CoolSculpting? It’s a state-of-the-art, non-invasive procedure that targets those frustrating fat cells that seem immune to diet and exercise. By using controlled cooling, CoolSculpting effectively freezes and eliminates fat cells, resulting in a more sculpted you.

The beauty of CoolSculpting lies in its precision and safety. This FDA-cleared procedure is meticulously designed to target only fat cells, leaving the surrounding tissues unharmed. With no surgery or downtime required, you can return to your daily activities immediately after your session.

At Columbia Laser Skin Center, we understand that each body is unique. That’s why we tailor every CoolSculpting treatment to your specific needs and goals. Whether you’re focusing on your abdomen, thighs, arms, or another area, our expert team is here to guide you every step of the way.

Embark on your transformation journey with us. Experience the remarkable benefits of CoolSculpting at Columbia Laser Skin Center and get ready to unveil a slimmer, more sculpted you!

How Does CoolSculpting Work?

Embark on a transformative journey with CoolSculpting at Columbia Laser Skin Center, where advanced science and personalized care converge to redefine your body contours.

How does CoolSculpting work its magic? The secret lies in its scientifically proven process, cryolipolysis, or simply put, fat freezing. This innovative technology targets and cools unwanted fat cells in selected areas to a temperature that triggers their natural death, all while leaving the surrounding tissues unaffected.

During your treatment, our expert practitioners apply a specialized applicator to your targeted area. You may feel a cold sensation initially, which quickly dissipates as the area becomes numb. Relax as the CoolSculpting device gently draws the bulges into the applicator and starts the cooling process. This procedure is so comfortable that many of our clients read, check emails, or even take a nap during their session.

Over the weeks following your treatment, your body naturally processes and eliminates the dead fat cells. The result? A reduction in fat layers that leads to a more sculpted, slim appearance. And the best part? Once these fat cells are gone, they’re gone for good!

At Columbia Laser Skin Center, we are committed to delivering exceptional results. Whether you’re looking to enhance your waistline, smooth out the tummy, or define other areas of your body, CoolSculpting offers a safe, non-surgical solution to help achieve your aesthetic goals.

Ready to take the first step towards a more confident you? Discover the power of CoolSculpting at Columbia Laser Skin Center.

What Areas of the Body Can You Treat with CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting at Columbia Laser Skin Center isn’t just about reducing fat — it’s about sculpting your body in a way that highlights your natural contours and enhances your overall physique. Our advanced CoolSculpting technology precisely targets and treats a variety of areas, including:

Each treatment area benefits from our tailored approach, ensuring results that are not just noticeable but beautifully aligned with your body’s natural shape. Transform yourself with the targeted precision of CoolSculpting at Columbia Laser Skin Center – where your beauty and confidence take center stage.

Why is CoolSculpting So Great?

Embrace the transformation with CoolSculpting at Columbia Laser Skin Center, where each session brings you closer to your ideal body. The benefits of CoolSculpting extend far beyond fat reduction, offering you a pathway to enhanced self-confidence and well-being.

At Columbia Laser Skin Center, we are passionate about helping you achieve not just an enhanced appearance, but a renewed sense of self. Experience the transformative benefits of CoolSculpting – where your journey to a more confident self awaits.

Why Choose Columbia Laser Skin Center for Your CoolSculpting Treatment?

Your Results

We want all of our patients to love their CoolSculpting results. That is why we have the ‘Love Your Results Promise’ guarantee.

Your Experience

Enjoy your CoolSculpting experience with an iPad & Bose headphones to watch a movie on HBO, Netflix, Hulu, ESPN+, Prime or Apple TV. Or just relax and take a nap. This is your time to recharge and rejuvenate.

Our Experience

We have provided thousands of CoolSculpting treatments since 2015. Our CoolSculpting Specialists have all attended advanced training at the CoolSculpting training centers in Washington DC and San Francisco.

CoolSculpting vs. Red LED Light Therapy vs. Liposuction: Understanding Your Options at Columbia Laser Skin Center

At Columbia Laser Skin Center, we believe in providing our clients with comprehensive information to make informed decisions about their body contouring options. Here’s how CoolSculpting compares to Red LED Light Therapy and Liposuction:


  • Method: Utilizes cryolipolysis (fat freezing) technology to target and destroy fat cells.
  • Invasiveness: Non-invasive with no needles or incisions.
  • Downtime: Minimal to no downtime, allowing for an immediate return to daily activities.
  • Results: Visible fat reduction in treated areas, with results typically seen in a few weeks to months.
  • Safety: FDA-cleared and clinically tested for safety and effectiveness.

Red LED Light Therapy

  • Method: Uses red low-level wavelengths of light to potentially target fat cells, aiming to reduce their size.
  • Invasiveness: Non-invasive and pain-free.
  • Downtime: No downtime, making it an easy addition to regular routines.
  • Results: May assist in fat reduction and skin rejuvenation, but results can vary and are generally less dramatic compared to CoolSculpting.
  • Safety: Generally considered safe, but effectiveness for fat reduction can be less consistent.


  • Method: A surgical procedure that removes fat from specific areas through suction.
  • Invasiveness: Invasive, requiring incisions and anesthesia.
  • Downtime: Requires recovery time, with several days to weeks needed for full recovery.
  • Results: Immediate and more dramatic fat reduction compared to non-invasive methods.
  • Safety: As with any surgery, there are risks such as infection, and it requires a longer commitment to post-operative care.

Each of these body contouring options has its unique set of benefits, and the best choice depends on your individual goals, lifestyle, and medical history. At Columbia Laser Skin Center, we are dedicated to guiding you through these choices, ensuring that you select the treatment that aligns best with your body sculpting aspirations.

Preparing for Your CoolSculpting Journey at Columbia Laser Skin Center

Embarking on your CoolSculpting treatment at Columbia Laser Skin Center is an exciting step towards achieving your body contouring goals. To ensure a smooth and effective experience, here’s what you can expect before your treatment:

Consultation and Evaluation:

  • Personalized Assessment: Your journey begins with a one-on-one consultation. Our expert clinicians will discuss your aesthetic goals, evaluate your target areas, and determine if CoolSculpting is the right option for you.
  • Customized Treatment Plan: We’ll create a tailored plan that outlines the areas to be treated and the number of sessions required to achieve your desired results.

Before the Procedure:

  • Physical Health: Ensure you’re in good health before your appointment. Inform us of any changes in your medical history or new medications.
  • Skin Care: Avoid sunburns or skin irritations in the areas to be treated.
  • Clothing: Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing on the day of your treatment.
  • Eating and Drinking: Eat a light meal and stay hydrated before coming in. This will help you feel comfortable during the procedure.
  • Avoid Certain Medications: It’s recommended to avoid anti-inflammatory drugs (like aspirin), which can inhibit the activity of your immune system as it is removing the frozen fat cells. We Advise you not taking any anti-inflammatories until you come back to see us for your 90 days follow up.

Mental Preparation:

  • Set Realistic Expectations: Understand that CoolSculpting is about sculpting and not weight loss. It’s most effective for removing localized fat deposits.
  • Relaxation: Feel at ease knowing you’re in expert hands. Many patients find this a good time to relax and take a break from their busy schedules.

At Columbia Laser Skin Center, we prioritize your comfort and well-being. By knowing what to expect before your CoolSculpting treatment, you’re taking an informed step towards achieving the body contours you desire. Our team is here to guide you through every step of this exciting journey.

Witness the Transformation: CoolSculpting Before and After Gallery

Have more questions? We at Columbia Laser Skin Center are here to provide all the answers you need to make an informed decision about CoolSculpting. Contact us to learn more or to schedule your consultation.

Ready to freeze away those stubborn fat areas and sculpt your dream body? Don’t wait any longer! Book your personalized CoolSculpting consultation at Columbia Laser Skin Center today and take the first step towards a more confident and contoured you. Your journey to a sculpted silhouette starts here – let’s make those ‘before’ photos a thing of the past! 

Call or Text 541-298-5066 to Start Your Transformation!