Enjoy Sensational Sex
Many women of all ages experience a decrease in sexual desire, as well as a loss of sensitivity or less-than-optimal orgasm during sex. This can be due to hormones being out of balance, but it can also be a result of vaginal laxity. Whether from childbirth; age; hormonal imbalances; or a medical condition; the vagina loses tightness and sensitivity over time. Collagen and elastin are primary building blocks of a healthy, tight and sensitive vagina.
The advanced technology of Viveve treatment stimulates new collagen and elastin growth; which helps restore the vagina to a more youthful, natural state. As a result, your vaginal wall tightens and provides more lubrication and sensitivity during sex. This can also improve the quality and intensity of orgasms, and creates a more sensational experience for you and your partner.
Viveve is also an exciting new treatment for non-surgical tightening of the external labia (non-surgical labiaplasty). This simple 30 minute treatment is both safe and very comfortable. Viveve is also a wonderful solution for women who are embarrassed by the leakage of urine when they –
- Laugh
- Cough
- Sneeze
- Exercise
We are one of the first practices – not just in the Gorge, but in the entire nation – to offer Viveve.
Curious? Do you want to know more?
Do you want to put the spark back in your relationship? Contact us to schedule your one-on-one with one of our licensed providers.
Get ready to Feel Sensational!
Click here to schedule your visit at Columbia Laser Skin Center.
Or Call – 541.298.5066